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Prerelease for: 

  • ELITE 
  • REVival 1 mod - Pre-release Access

The girls are ready to fight! Are you ready to rumble?

JV/CR/AW Raccoon Knights 1.0

JV/CR/AW Raccoon Knights - Black Addon 1.0

JV/CR/AW Raccoon Knights - Model Viewer Pose 1.0

JV/CR/AW Raccoon Knights - NSFW Addon (available soon)




The skin sometimes flick or disappears, but your troubleshoot tricks work, such as changing the settings for the game (e.g. image quality; make it lower if your PC cannot handle a quality), changing costumes and back into the desired one, and in addition backing out of the game, uninstall the mods on Fluffy 5000, re-read game archive, and then reinstall again to make it work.


So far, the Raccoon Knights SFW skins work well with other mods (weapon skin mods, RE3 Trainer), but I do notice Claire's SLS60 reload animation happens twice, and controller vibration happens on the 2nd time, even though reloading works on the 1st time.