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January felt like simultaneously the shortest yet longest month ever. It was a very busy time for me, with traveling, getting sick and recovering from that, and juggling multiple projects at once. Let's see what's in store for February!

Risky Reindeer Games - Part 3

We'll let the Nurse rehydrate while we return to Dazzler's story. That's right, we're picking up Part 3 immediately after 2, and this is a chapter absolutely crammed with deer. We'll be introduced to a LOT of characters, and we start off with Dazzler meeting the does!

Other Comics

That juggling multiple projects thing I mentioned? It's referring to me working on RRG Part 3, and two other comics at the same time. Whew! All three of them are in the inking/flat colouring stages. I'm trying to get enough pages in 'good enough' state that I feel I can keep to a steady upload schedule. My hope is to debut one or maybe two of these other projects alongside RRG3 this month. I might try to do an upload schedule of 2 or 3 pages per story, but I will have to see.

These other comic projects will not be as refined at RRG3, and are more likely to be 'sketch comics' or at leat flat coloured comics. I am trying to find a kind of middle ground that will allow me to accelerate comic uploads without wrecking my health.

As for the focus of the comics themselves, I kind of want to leave it as a surprise, but I'm sure you'll have guessed what they are from all the hints I've been dropping the past few months :P

Archived Comics

I'm slowly adding my older patreon comics to the pinned Announcements tweet at the top of the main feed. Newcomers should check it out if they want to get caught up on stuff. Pretty handy getting all that content in one convenient place! Click here for the link.

Patreon Discord

If you're uncertain how to join the Discord, check this guide: How to Connect to the Patreon Discord


Rewards bundle links will be posted on the 3rd. Be sure to download last month's rewards packs if you haven't yet. They're in the main feed under the Rewards section of Collections.

Thank you so much for your support!




Personally, I'm really do another comic featuring Dynamite and rory.


Deer me, this is going to be wild. I already fawned over Miss Nurse, but I hope Dazzler isn’t a sour doe.