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본 보상이 밀리면서 부득이하게 8달러 보상도 따라서 조금 연장이 될듯합니다.

이해해주시면 감사하겠습니다



Please don't push yourself too hard. To save you time translating and editing, I've translated this months whole comic into english already, please check your messages on twitter from @inusanjp.


Thank you for your wonderful kindness. But I can't use your translation. Because the translator is already working on the translation, i cannot ignore his work. I hope you understand. Thank you so much for your heart.


작품 잘보고 있습니다 선생님! 건강도 잘 챙기시길 바랄게요 항상 좋은 작품 감사합니다