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Hey all! You might have thought I forgot you this month but I DID NOT. I just ONLY BARELY REMEMBERED. 🥰

I'm flying by the seat of my pants right now trying to keep up with all the things and nothing is scheduled for May sooooooo I will do my best! 8D

I managed to get Draw Everything June stuff rolling this past weekend so you can look for more news about that soon. Running it a little differently this year since I'm not really using DeviantArt anymore. 

In the meantime here's a little variety for ya! ♥ Happy drawing!

Keywords: Lauren Ashley Klaus reclined lying repose hand near face legs crossed fat dynamic action blades knives knife battle fighter fighting cane V nonbinary serious floating flying swimming swim float fly magical magic skirt underwater Rowena wand attack attacking cast spell spellcaster fist fists walking high heels gangster mob boss gun pistol handgun thugs guards cigar 



Angela R. Sasser

I do love that seated power pose with minions and am going to have to hunt down if there are any more like it from that set! Def going to have to use it for my own characters. Good luck with the adjustment from DA and have fun with the event! It's going to be worth it once the dust settles.


yes and yay! I think we did a few in that shoot with the group but honestly I don't think they ever made it into any collective set. Sort of scattered. 😔♥