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Hey all!
Reminder especially to new Patrons that a few years ago I had a server crash on my old site and a TON of ZIP files were toasted. My host had no back up. :')

I have gone though old posts and tried to find broken download links but if you ever come across something that isn't working/leads you to a 404, please leave a comment on pop me a message on Twitter or Discord so I can look into it.

I don't delete files so I should have all these old ZIPs on back up drives, I just need to know what's missing and I can dig them out of whatever hard drive hole they've been hiding down. :D

Patreon is notoriously difficult to dig through, especially with large archives like mine (6+ years!).
Is there anything I could do to help you find what you need more easily?
Should I make some kind of master post either here or on Google Drive or somewhere to help you find things?

Posts are searchable by keyword now which absolutely helps, but you have to know which keywords I've used so always feel free to ask if you're looking for something specific. :D

I'm getting ready to head into a REALLY busy time with art stuff.  
My collab pin project with AmunetGFX recently got greenlit for BackerKit's closed crowdfunding beta which is SO EXCITING. 😱🎉

If you want to check out the project you can visit our Launch Page. If you happen to dig the designs, feel free to pop your email in on that page to get updates. We launch Sept 27th and of course, the more people we have on that prelaunch page, the better chances we have at funding! ✨

New themed pack poll will go up this weekend and ALL Patrons who pledge or stay during August will be getting the new Dani Highlights Pack Sept 1.
WOO. ♥

That's all from me right now. Happy drawing! 



A masterpost would be so so helpful, with categories/keywords and maybe dates? I downloaded a large amount of your backlog and I'm realising how difficult it is for me to sift through on my hard drive to find something specific.


I would love some kind of master post/google drive/whatever!