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Hey all! A few people have asked me about how to do Pose Requests.
The instructions are outlined in the Membership section, but for the sake of catching you all up, here's an example of a pose request that I did for Randi Blairre Art.

Randi sent me this sketch:

Then I popped into the studio and snapped a few pics:

Randi was then able to refine this WIP sketch:

Great, right? Sometimes you know what you want, but just getting a little extra info can make all the difference. Working from a doodle is really helpful for me because it will show me the angle, perspective and general idea of the pose. Even a really messy sketch gives me TONS of info. 

It's ALWAYS easier for me to work from some sort of visual rather than from words. 

You can send me rough sketches, photos of action figures, or, as Randi did another time, set up some digital 3D figures with the idea of what you want and let me help you humanize it:

There are some limitations to what I can do.  For example, I usually only have myself as a model so poses with multiple models interacting closely might be impossible for me. But if the models just overlap, I can sometimes fake it as you see with the group shot above. 

I might not have the props, equipment, skills, or available space for some specific things. But I can substitute when possible and do my best to get you some general info that might be helpful. And it's always possible that I have something like what you need in my archives and I can direct you to that to help, too.

So that's about it! Patreon messages is not a super reliable way to reach me. I have email notifications set up for when I get messages but either the emails look too similar to other Patreon emails or I'm just not getting them because I miss them a lot. 😅 So if you need a request, messaging me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter might get a faster reply.

Usually I can turn photos around within a few days but if I have a lot going on, I might take a week or two. If you have an urgent deadline be sure to let me know. Any photos that I take for requests I will usually put into future download for Patrons.

Currently, this benefit is open to Patrons at all levels. $1 Patrons get one pose per month, $2.50 Patrons get 2/mo, $5 Patrons get 5/mo, and $15 Patrons get 10/mo.  As you can see, I usually take more than one photo per pose so you have a few sources to work from.

Just let me know if you have any questions, and happy drawing! ♥



i was just thinking about requesting a pose lemme message you on twitter [icanartsorta]