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Hey Patrons! We just passed 600 people here??? WOW THANKS. :D Y'all are so amazing for being here. Thank you so much for your support, especially now because whew - it is A TIME.

While you're here and I am thanking you, I also want to let you know that I totally 100% understand when you have to come and go based on your finances and other obligations. I want you all to know that my Patreon is an open door for you to leave and come back whenever you need/want to. I appreciate you being here whenever you can be. :)


When I started this account 5 years ago I couldn't even attach ZIP files. 8D My preview images were limited to low res thumbnails lol. Patreon has been trying to make their site a little more versatile and a little easier to use over the years, but as a creator, I haven't really figured out how to make it easier for you, my Patrons, to find what you need which I know can be super frustrating.

For the stuff I'm scheduling in November I'm going to attempt to put keywords into the body of the posts. I think this is a more elegant solution than tags which get super cluttered really fast. I think for tags I will stick with the post theme (archive pull, poll, monthly download, etc) and the Model name (Rowena, Tico, Starlight, etc). I don't tag me tho. Should I tag me? lol they are mostly me.

Anyway I hope this system of keywords in the post will help going forward. I don't feel it's a great use of my time go back and edit 5+ years of posts to update them so I would like to focus on tagging the content moving forward.

HOWEVER, I'm pretty familiar with what is in the archive here as well as what and where to find things on DeviantArt.

If you find yourself unable to find what you need please do some of any of the following:
- use the search in my Patreon to see what comes up
- use the search in my DeviantArt gallery (make sure you're on my page in my gallery not using the DA general search)
- search with Google or DDG using SenshiStock Patreon and the keywords; honestly this helps me find stuff sometimes, too xD
- ask me!! Please just ask me, especially if you don't have the time/spoons to dig around. I know my stuff pretty good and I can probably find it pretty fast. And if I don't have it, I can get/make it.

So that's it today, just wanted to let you lovelies all know that I'm hearing you on the org problems and I'm gunna do what I can to try to help. ♥



I thought tags and keywords were the same thing? What's the difference?


If I put keywords in the post I think they'll be searchable but tags are a big list auto generated on the main page that starts to be very cluttered very quickly


Yeah! I wish we could pin posts. I can probably put it in my main profile info. 🤔