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Hello Patrons! Here we are, in the midst of the holiday season and my schedule is PACKED! Caffeine is keeping me going, weeee~~~~

I wanted to make a quick update to keep you all informed of my doings. 

$2.50+ Patrons can look forward to the Underwater II Pack very soon, possibly tonight! This new SenshiStock.com themed pack will have 76 new underwater images with me as the model, photographed by Blue Amrich. The full pack will be available for $6 next week or the week after on the web site.

I also have a big monthly download coming for my $5+ Patrons this week! ♥

I had a sale on my bow store this weekend and I have two craft fairs next weekend so I'm a bit all out on art stuff right now (plus some left over commissions from the last few cons). I'm shooting to have new Patron posts and DA poses scheduled in the first week of Dec but there will be a bit of a lag on getting you all the Stash link. 

As always, let me know if there's certain things you hope to see in the Dec postings either on DA or here and I will try to work in as much as I can.

Rowena and I haven't been able to nail down a date for our next shoot together, so we might end up doing that in December instead. I will try to give you all a heads up when it's coming so we can work in requests. 

Over in my art life, I'm also doing a Free Plush Giveaway again this year so if you're into plushies or love someone who is, please enter. 

That's all for now! Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Happy drawing! 



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