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Hey all!

My web host server went down earlier this week. SenshiStock.com and all the files (including all my huge ZIPs) were lost and the service had no back up. (Yes, we're looking into changing hosts right now lol)

So I spent a good chuck of time getting the site back up and running on Thursday. Also, my husband still needs to pull the files we have for SenshiStock Sketch to get it back up to the current version (it's currently running an old one). 

This morning I got a note from a Patron that some of the old themed pack ZIPs were not working. I went through all the old themed pack download posts and re-uploaded any of the ZIPs that linked to the off-Patreon server.

It's still possible that I missed something so if you try to download an old ZIP and it's not working, just pop me a message and I will get that to you ASAP.

I have a gnarly sinus infection and I can't hear out of my left ear. Went to the doc yesterday and got a Rx that will hopefully clear it up before RICC coming up at the end of the week. I REALLY want to be able to hear people at the con haah. ♥


Amanda Burn

Oof! When it rains it pours! So glad that you have everything backed up and best of luck fighting that sinus infection (they are no fun at all).

Mary Williams

Holy crap, that bites!!! Shopping for new hosts is no fun on top of all the damage control. :( You guys are completely, beyond awesome for getting everything up and running again so fast!!!! Thank you!!!! Hot compresses for the ear, will help bring down the swelling and also increase blood flow so the meds can get in there and do their job!! I hope you feel oodles better soon!!!!