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Just a silly little thing. A silly little thing that took two months of non-stop work. Starbarians is serious business!

Tomorrow I'll do a proper announcement here for what I will spend the next two months working on. Aiming for another, better, far longer animated release in August. No more new projects for now, just finishing up the what I've already started.

Thanks to every one of you. I aim to keep working and producing and making the most that I can from your investment and belief in me.

More to come! MORE! MORE!!



STARBARIANS - Episode 3.5

https://www.patreon.com/harrypartridge https://www.twitter.com/happyharrytoons



Loved it, even if it was short. That's our Harry 😁


Totally worth the wait. And very excited for what's coming next.


I love this short


Amazing, short or not I’m always thrilled to see your work! Keep it up! 🔥


"Just another day for the Starbarians~" -Canned laughter-


Very silly indeed :3


Loved it! Love the starbarians!


Coincidentally the Mini, excluding the comic book preview, but including the credits is 85 second long 🤣🤣🤣


When you said short, I was sure you meant a 20 second video lol. Almost 2 minutes tho!! You went above and beyond haha I really loved this short. Don't forget to rest you deserve it.

Trevor Bond

Literally digging my way out of a debt hole just to make sure I can continue supporting your work. And maybe even afford to up my pledge once I finally start clearing some lingering debts!

Aaron Parisi

"Thanks to every one of you. I aim to keep working and producing and making the most that I can from your investment and belief in me. " If you ask any of your fans we love your work because it's obvious you have fun with it. Please don't torture yourself over your own standards on our behalf :/


Agh, don't stretch the finances too much! Please take care of yourself first. Thank you, Trevor :)


It's not torture. I love what I do, I just want to do more of it! Thanks for your support, Aaron :)