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An indie furry dream game in your mind? Feel free to share and discuss about it!!

I'm very curious to discover your ideas, fantasies about your dream game! Is it NSFW? Is it with stories about social issues or mental health? What kind of gameplay fits the furry fandom in your opinion?

Remember, it's from an indie game point of view. What could be achieve by a small team, not a multi billions dollars studio X)

For example I've been thinking a lot about mods creation and sharing. Though I have no idea how it works. 



lotsa kobolds I think for me it'd be some hardcore fighting platformer, bur for the the fandom as a whole, it'll probably be something more narrative, with a heavy focus on the characters, since that's pretty much what we want to see; furry people. honestly undertale kinda is the perfect furry game, which is why it's so damn popular; great characters, with writing that really speaks to the kind of people furries tend to be, gameplay that's weird and out-of-the-box, since most of us are gamer nerds and are well used to all the video game tropes; which also make the clever play on said tropes even more effective. but the main things are the characters, that's what most us furries really resonate with i feel also the creative side of the furry community is so huge, it'd be a crime not to have some kind of modding tool in your game. letting people simply put their OC in the game in some way is already a huge draw. i mean, not sure i need to tell you that considering you're already filling this niche :p


You know what mine is because I'm working on it xD I fun community of characters you can visit who live independently of the player's interactions, but you can join and help them and befriend them if you want to.


Honestly, I've been thinking about this for a while, but never pursued it since I know nothing about art/animation, and I have no idea how to make games in general. That being said, I had been making some soundtracks for it (the closest I can get it to reality, I guess. For now, at least), and building a barebones story for it. It would be a pixel-animated RPG (maybe with some 2d art for battles and interactions). Two heroes from different lifestyles (with a different campaign each) meet up at the climax of the story to defeat a greater villain in charge of everything type story. I guess you could make that furry or not furry, but it'd look cooler if the protags were different animals. Like, one of them comes from poverty, scraping by each day to survive (basically the slums of a city), so they could be a racoon, or a possum, or maybe even a rat. Meanwhile, the other protag comes from a more military life, following nefarious orders to, for example, kill off a lot of citizens because "they're impure" or something, questioning what he's doing is wrong, so they could be a wolf, or a tiger, something like that. I know the idea is somewhat overused, and I'm sorry if this is too long, but I wanted to share. If anything, thanks for asking ☺️


I'm all about immersion, I think point of view is a powerful thing, having characters talk to you, branching dialog. I think a lot about how paradoxical it is that from a first person view it's difficult to communicate the status of the player's own character, like, how to show a player they've been touched on the shoulder when you can't see it. I like games that are open world and it's important that it feels good to roam around with interesting movement mechanics. I think my dream game would be like a furry lewd version of 'City of Heroes'


A grand strategy furry civilization game. like you start out as a small tribe banging rocks together and you slowly upgrade and wage war till you rule the whole world the kicker would be every species/race would have there own stats and quirks rabbits would breed super fast, can live on little food, easy to control, but aren't very strong or smart wolves would be "normal" breeders, can only eat meat, easy to control but prone to spitting off into smaller empires dragons would be SUPER slow breeders, but are very strong, smart and loyal, but can only thrive in mountains and hills humans would be fast breeders, smart and strong, can live anywhere and eat anything, but if you don't keep them happy they will revolt, and over time they will want more and more you could go on and on with ideas and over time you would see cross breeds and mixed stats


Very ambitious, I tried this one! After 3 years I did one species and one map UwU


Well if you're that motivated you should really try RPGMaker! It's the perfect too to make pixel RPGs :3


Hum it's right, I'm trying to figure a way to make a nice customization system, which is already an insane task when you see all the creativity required to satisfy the furry community. I'm also looking around to find some ways to make ingame editing and export/import. That could be nice I guess! But so far it's very tricky :3


Pokémon-styled RPG that focuses on the relationship with your starting partner. Depending on your resources, game devs and artists, you could expand that out how you see fit. My preference would be that the material of the relationship(s) never require a Harkness Test.


I'd love to see a colony management sim, similar to Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, etc - with a "population growth" mechanic similar to Daggan. I think it would be neat to be able to control the "leader" directly, and be able to switch to a colony management view, either by releasing control of your character to AI, or perhaps sitting at a management desk or something similar. For example, you're in colony management mode and finally get your metal smithing going, and your colonists have produced some swords, armor, shields, etc. You switch back to character focus mode, run over and pick up some gear, then head into the cave your colony has been mining out, to defeat some enemies in a chasm they just discovered. This is an idea I've wanted to start for a little while now, but I think the scope is a bit too big for a single person UwU