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Password: bitethebooty


  • a second boss for the 14th day
  • duck to regain health
  • sacred tree to gain ability points
  • buildable dummies to train your allies


  • particles when building structures
  • better animation when hitting structures or resources

Your feedback:

Next steps:

  • skeleton jails to free foxes
  • third boss for the 21th night


11+ - Google Drive



i wonder if you will put in enemies that fuck the main character, just a thought.


Nope! I all the sex in the game is/must be consent, so unless a twist in the story, I won't do nothing like that for the moment :3


I hope its sometime in the future or perhaps another game that you might plan to tinker with in the future. I certainly would like to see what you accomplish if you were to a side scroller. I know there are alot of those "run or rape" type games so the market is a tad saturated, but still neat to see.


I actually started studying artificial intelligence making a side-scroller game, about a goat girl trying to spook some bad wolves :3 but nothing nsfw! Maybe I'll try to make a tiny side-scroller for one of my future two-months projects, it's a good and refreshing idea UwU But it's gonna be a bit lewder this time!!


you could make it consent if both parts are challenging each other maybe make a event where the enemys say if you win you get their lands and people but if they win they get us you dont always need to make enemys just blood thirsty fiends