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So the NPCs and their rewards are working fine!

I can customize the sex game difficulty, give them a lot of dialogue and unique sprites!

A successful sex game reward the player with resources, experience, documents' parts for the Library, etc. I'll add more options later, like special units, but so far I'm really happy with the NPCs! I tried it quickly and it's really satisfying to meet other characters while playing. OwO

Now I'm working on another type of NPC with big rewards too, but less friendly. Something huge. Something big. Something with its own big health bar on the screen.

So far the development of the game is going really well but it's getting more and more stressful as the next update approaches :O All these big new features are slowly taking shape and it's getting me super excited and worried!! I might be a bit late and release it during April, but that's the price I'm willing to pay to finish everything for the big day!!

Another thing, the next update will be most likely a paid one. Obviously not for the patrons of tiers 5$ and 20$. The January's update will stay free, the new one will probably cost 5$. I'm still thinking about this UwU It's a big deal for me!!

Finger crossed <3 and kisses everyone!!!




Man you're really putting in work. Looking forward to playing it!