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Hello everyone, I'm finally back!

I spent the past two weeks working  on a gift for someone, my little brother. He's having a terrible time far from home, blocked in a foreign country, unable to come back to see his family! So I had to do something truly deep and impactful.

That's why I was a bit silent. I spent these very two weeks making him a video game where he could fight his favorite characters in our childhood house, and unlock a ton of heartening audio messages the whole family recorded for him!

That was important for me to sacrifice all these days and show what his big brother could make for him, and I was helped by all my family! As you guess I can't show you the game, it was made only for him.

Anyway it was the occasion to experiment a lot, test a few things and try new ideas! I'm even more happier and motivated to work on Daggan

Best kisses, Malerouille



Welcome back! Wishing you all the best to both you and your brother!


Awww oh my god that's incredibly sweet of you. Hope your brother can get back home soon!