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Thanks again to all patrons for their great support <3

I hope you enjoyed the October rewards :3

Now for those who paid the month of October and did not receive the rewards, please send a private message to me and I will help you.

And for those who signed in November from the first day, unfortunately you will have to wait until December to receive the November rewards.

And I apologize for my inactivity this time, due to the pandemic my moving and home reform are very late, and it also delayed my work abroad, so this month I had to run out of time to bring content to you and still do work outside. So I apologize, and I hope to finish this reform soon so that I can work quietly without haste, and of course I will never stop bringing content to you guys.

I hope you understand and thank you for reading

have a great day!


Skykipz14 Gaming

I'm a new patreon. I received October Rewards. How do I receive Rewards from previous months of this year?