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You can see one of the 6 hentai versions by joining Tier3+. The others will be in October pack for Tier3+



Here's the finished verison of Keqing artwork~

As always, drawing a character laying on her back can be make the lighting a bit tricky. It took longer than usual to really figure out how I want the light to be.

Been a while since I last drew Keqing! She's not a character I would draw every month but still I enjoyed the process. I hope you'll like the result!

Thank you for your support!

Lots of Hentai/NSFW/nude variants (nude, pubes, creampie, textless, ...), Speedpaint Video, PSD File, High res in October 2023 Rewards Pack. Will be available to download in November




Sex!!!!! 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😋😋😋😋😘😘😘😘😳😳😳😳😚😚😚😚