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Here's the final version of Nemona!

I am always honest with you so I'm going to be honest this time too: I didn't have a lot fun painting that one. Why? Simply because I really don't click with her hairstyle. I really enjoyed painting her skin, the background, the bikini and swimsuit, but her hairstyle just made it very difficult for me to feel really motivated by the artwork.

Still, I did my best to make something you guys would like! I think the final result is pretty nice nonetheless, just not as good as I wish. I feel like Pokemon girls are difficult to adapt in other styles because they actually have pretty odds haircuts/hairstyles.

Our next artwork will be a bit different than usual because I'll be drawing the OC of one of my dear friends! Don't worry, this is still a pretty waifu with big boobas!
I am still not sure if it'll be in January pack or if it'll be the first artwork of February, I'll keep you updated on that in the next few days!

Thank you for your support!

8 NSFW variants (includes piercings), PSD File, Step by Step, High res in January 2023 Rewards Pack.
Will be available to download during the month of February

Swimsuit & Nude variants:

Get your rewards here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-2023-78118169




unnf... *sings* "beach baby, beach baby, give me your hand..."