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EDIT: I apologise for the repost, I'm making a new post because there's still issue with the posts not updating properly when I edit them.


Thank you for your support in November guys!

Once again it was a really enjoyable month for me. I managed to experience with fun new things again which was really nice. It's the first time I am putting a timelapse video in the rewards, I hope those of you who will watch it will find it interesting! I'll try to make more in the future.

This month we've also had a new rewards system. A lot of few seem happy with this change so from now on I'll probably keep it this way. I'm always looking for ways to improve what I'm giving you so I'm very happy this change was beneficial.

December will be a busy month for me just as it will be for many of you I suppose. I'd like to tell you right now that we might have only 5 or 4 artworks this month!


◆ Tier2 ---> Click Here <---
◆ Tier5 --->
Click Here <---
◆ Tier10 & Tier25 --->
Click here (also includes Gumroad 10% discount code) <--

Please do not share the links or distribute the rewards to anyone.




I’m okay with less artwork this month cause holidays. Be sure to take your time, take breaks, and most importantly, enjoy the holidays!


Thank you Amoux! I'll take all the time I need don't worry! Although no holidays for me, no time for that xD I hope you'll enjoy the holidays too!