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Our last artwork of November is done!

It was really fun to paint Yae Miko in this outfit. I am sure a lot of you expected her pants to be black like I usually do but nope, this time I chose chocolate xD
It was kind of a last minute change, when I picked the base color I wondered how it'd look and it looked great!
I made a version without the hat for the main version, but it'll only be available in the downloadable pack. 

Thank you for your support during this month, I had a lot of fun! I'll tell you during the next couple of days which older artwork I'll use as a bonus for this month so you still get 6. As per usualy I will make an exclusive outfit only available in the pack for this bonus artwork.

Thank you for your support!

10 NSFW variants, PSD File, High res in November 2022 Rewards Pack.
Will be available to download during the month of December

Bikini and nude variants:

November rewards pack: https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-2022-75410232
