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I decided to repost Rosa because I wanted to change a few things. I actually thought the piece looked good but when I posted it on Twitter it did absolutly terrible, worse than any other artworks I've made these last 6 months at least. So it made me wonder if there was something wrong with it.

I deleted the piece from everywhere and gave it a little bit more attention today. Overall it's pretty similar, I just added details where I think I could. The thing is with artworks is that you can always do more, it's never complete. You have to pick a moment to decide you're done and you go on the next one. Maybe I picked that moment a little too early the first time.

If it does terrible again then too bad, at least I tried. I think she looks cute so I really would be clueless as to why it'd fail (again).

I apologize for the inconvenience !

-- There are 6 variants --
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no blue background in the final version?


its good! also its the anniversary of b2w2