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here's the finished version of Yor !

Another one piece swimsuit illustration and another illustration I loved working on ! I really enjoyed working on the bikini variant too, I had a lot of fun with this whole illustration. I can't wait for you to see the bikini, I really like the design and I think it makes Yor look really sexy. Please look forward to it !

The background was kind of a head-scratcher. If you notice there is a gradiant blur and it was kinda tricky to make it look smooth like this. I had to create several layers with different levels of blur and then make sure they blended together well. I'm guessing there's a more efficient way to do it, maybe a feature dedicated to that in CSP. I'll have to make some research.

-- There are 6 variants --
Thank you for your support ! ( ̄︶ ̄)
