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Phew, it's been some time since I've poured out words for anyone here to read. 


In hopes of settling into an environment where I have been able to produce work at a much more comfortable manner, life comes at you in ways you least expect - or in ways you do expect, but a hell-of-a-lot sooner.

With the steady increase of streaming and commissions being finished, my hopes to transform this Patreon page into a proper method to fund & create more content are being realized. It won't be sudden, but I'm definitely fighting to achieve that outcome.

Why am I writing this?

Long story short: With hopes to expand my Patreon and branding, I will be compiling designs and teaser to projects well-under way during this week

But why haven't I teased anything just yet? 

Because a handful of painful situations have and will continue to play out, fucking me up nicely in the process.

My future in this chapter is very uncertain. I honestly have no idea how the next few weeks will play out. But understand that I have no intentions on leaving or stopping my art.

Teasers to upcoming projects slated to be shown-off later this month will be delayed, but make no mistake - I am not cancelling any of my personal projects or commissions. I love what I do too much to give any of it up. But something needs to change if I wish to continue growing my presence.

Art means everything to me, I hope you continue to provide your emotional support to this damage and dumb lad.

tl;dr emotionally-damaged boy promises to continue working on his passion



WE LOVE YE, YOU DORK and we will continue to support ya in whichever ways we can!


We love you Ehrrr, do whatever you need to do, we'll always be here


Whatever that pain may be, I hope everything is resolved favorably for you. You have come far from your days of posting to tumblr. I believe things will continue to improve.


Them's were the days, I'll continue fightin' on to provide my work to y'all