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hey everyone. hope you guys had a good long holiday weekend. (I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.) anyway. lets get to it. 

My new PC is up and running. After the person who put it together went dark on me. My coworker, and his friend were able to figure out the problem. Turns out they never plugged in the cpu plug in and tried to use the GPU plug to power both the GPU, and CPU. It was so frustrating that the problem was so simple, and had me banging my head to the wall for almost 2 weeks. I don't know how they made such a big oversight considering that they claim to build a bunch of PC. ( If you ever dealt with a bad mechanic, than that should give you an idea of the experience.) there's still one issue with the new PC. but it shouldn't slow me down.

Anyway. I spent a good chuck of time installing and downloading all the stuff I needed to get back up to speed. I even manage to recover almost all the stuff from my old hard drives.  including where I left off in the current update. So I don't have to start from scratch. so that's pretty much it. now it's time to jump right back in. in the meantime. here's some drawings I did over the weekend. 

even a little tease for when you eventuality reach the climax for Ms. Wallace. but that's for an update further down the road. Also did some concept arts for future characters. but those are also down the road. two of them are not too far off. that's it for now. till next time.


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