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Hey, everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm still having trouble with my PC. It basically turns on when it wants to. So I haven't been able to do much. however I am getting closer to getting my new PC. I got the CPU, GPU, and the SSD. (Just those set me back a couple hundreds dollars.) Now I just need the rams, motherboard, power supply, CPU cooler, and the case. All I'm hoping to get with this upcoming paycheck. (I've been doing a lot of overtime at my job to make sure I'll be able to get everything I need.) I wanna be able to everything this weekend. Gotta make a few calls to make sure that the person who's gonna build it is ready to go. In the mean time here's the MC meeting the new character Najah. I'm gonna see what I can get done while this thing is on. till next and with hopefully better news. 


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