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Changelog: https://www.fenoxo.com/backers-0-7-37-infinite-ausar/




That Syri bust is amazing.


Syri is best waifu

Your Best Friend

There damn well better be a syri marry option when this game is fully complete. Or i will find you.


agreed syri is the pinnacle of ausar race. This may seem optional, "but its not".( donates more money to ensure idea "sticks")

Joe Mon

So we got the player getting preggers, but is there a plan in the future for npcs such as syri and Anyo getting preg by the player?


Syri and/or Anno preggers? Hahahahahaha! Good joke! In all seriousness: Savin hates/dislikes making preg content for characters he has made and Anno + Syri are his. Other npcs may get preg content

midnight sky

Is there a way i can downloas tbese on a phone i cant seem to get it to work

Gray Ashley

Unfortunately Syri doesn't have a Vagina, so it would need to be her to impregnate the PC.