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Changelog: http://www.taintedspace.com/article/tainted-space-0-02-39-changelog




Not sure if this is a bug, but I rescued Saendra and now she appears in every fight I'm in. Not that I mind the help, but I get the feeling the game might be a bit confused. :P


Im having problem loading saved data on this release. my save data is has not been edit in anyway just thought i let you know. error #1065


I am still not able to access any of the content from here. None of the downloads work at all. I can't find anything that will allow me to run the programs/files either. I can't continue to pay $15 a month for a non-functioning product. I enjoy your work, but I don't see any value in paying $15 a month for nothing. I think I will just wait an extra month like I have been doing to get the content , and save a lot more money. Sorry.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Could you upload the save, Juan? @Zackary:I'm trying to understand what's going on here, so bear with me. You say that none of the downloads work, but then you say that you can't open the files. Those two things can't really happen at the same time. Are you able to download the zip files? Are you getting an error when trying to open them? Have you tried extracting the files into a folder and then opening the .html load I've been packing in more recent builds? I mainly ask so that I can help others in the same predicament later. Since you've already paid over $15, I don't mind hooking you up with a taintedspace.com backer account so that you can play directly off a webpage. Just register an account over there and PM me the deets so I can upgrade it. Thank you for the support, and I'm sorry you've had such difficulty. If anyone else has troubles playing builds, please give me a shout at fenoxo@gmail.com, and I'll try to help you puzzle it out.


Fenoxo I'm able to play the new release but i just cant load up my old save files, like most of you update games they normally say something like ( upgrade save file required) but this time i don't get that. can i get your email so i can send you the saved file like you asked. So you understand 1) game file from .Zip > working 2) load old save file to new game release> not working.

Fenoxo Fenfen

My email was included in the preceding message, but here it is again: fenoxo@gmail.com Out of curiosity, were you using items from the debug room? Some were taken out of the game and thus prevents saves containing them from loading. If that's the case, you can load up in an older version, toss the shield, save, and it should work fine.


Could I get that tits account upgrade as well? I've been a five dollar backer for a few months


why is it when i download it i cant open the file? i try using 7-zip and file explorer neither of them wont open it plz help

Fenoxo Fenfen

What's the size of the .zip you're getting? It should be in the ballpark of 15 or 16 MB.


nevermind i got it


Question. Exactly what do these bust changes do? The description of the breasts or something? Or am I just being blind as a bat here?


It's for the pictures in the upper left of the screen.

Fenoxo Fenfen

The busts are the pics in the upper left. There's a few different styles slowly trickling in.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Should be fixed next patch. For now you can work around it by loading in an older version and getting rid of any items you got from the debug room, then re-saving before loading in the new version.