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Art: a collaboration between Phlogistinatr and Morgore!

This one's chonky. Gedan was busy doing SCIENCE to replace our old "previous/next page" viewing abilities with the ability to do full rewinds. It's not 100% reliable yet, so the default functionality remains as it was, but you can hit up the options menu if you want to live... dangerously.

A bunch of other smaller features made it in, as well as a butt-load of bugfixes. Check out the changelog for more!




Let's go! Kelly!

Marcus Dolce

First thing that comes to mind is the art for the post. MMMMFFF, yes. Absolutely LOVE Kelly and damn what a sexy pose! All the yes! And YAY FOR SCIENCE!


Will we be able to download JavaScript version or will it be available online only?

samfish90212 .

I’m a loose canon who likes to live life dangerously and click various beta settings without regard.


I suspect it will be online only until it's in a stable enough state to be made downloadable.


So far i'm liking the new format of TiTS


Seems like It won't load old saves--- Is that supposed to happen?


i asked the same thing got sent this: " Fenoxo Fenfen 1:47 PM We have some stuff built up to export a file for loading into Javascript, but obviously the current java build is still quite unfinished. The intent is to support save transfers even if we don't have it 100% right now."


Woah Kelly is looking great 👌