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Download link: (click title above, then look above title on next page)

Changelog: http://www.taintedspace.com/article/0-6-57-changelog




Interesting new busts. Love Kiro's!


Having to make some hard choices with Shade. This will only end in disaster. Still, nice twist.


i cant open the file


I can't enter Shade's house, the game doesn't give me the option to move onto the square where her house is.


where do i meet shade


So where exactly is shade? tried waiting around her house after the email, but no dice.


out of the 3 last builds, anti virus software gives me a warning on two , anyone else? On Fen´s website someone said it is false and can be ignored.

Kharnos Strayder

Having the same issue as Courtney and Ryan. standing outside Shade's house after getting the email, but cannot enter or do anything. Tried waiting in 4 hr intervals, but no dice.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Geddy seems to think they're giving false positives because we're a flash using Regex.

Kharnos Strayder

On another note it seems I get alot of unknown subject errors from map to other assorted unknowns so I also cannot complete the Drone Hunting side mission. either I keep getting a bugged download or there is a glitch or my computer just really hates this flash game for Uveto


Yep. Can't meet up with Shade.


Anyone else unable to use minerva? I can't even change the number of credits... And I can't play the online version only this one. Anyone know what the problem is? The save-file just can't be loaded and I've Google every possible problem.


ya i'm unable to do much either, i have been saving only one change at a time to see where the changes actually happen where the game is unplayable


There's a save editor in the forums at taintedspace site.