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It's been a while! We're still trucking along. A number of important features have been coming together on the Javascript rebuild that leave me feeling like we don't have that much longer to go before I can let you guys start mucking around inside it. Having three coders pounding on it regularly has been a godsend!

I'm still carrying along normal development with Adj&William as well. As you can see in the latest changelog, we're dropping a huge Anno event into the game for you to try out. Be sure to post any bugs you find on the fenoxo.com forum!

Image-embedded version updated! You can grab it off Mega, but you'll need a stand-alone flash player that can handle it's 600MB+ girth to play with it. What's different? You can zoom in on most character busts and some scenes come with embedded art. Enjoy!





Good to hear you're still alive. Wish you the best :D


Any recommends on flash players?


Adobe Flash Player 32 works as a stand-alone for PCs. I don’t know too much about Apples/Macs.

Jon Lindquist

I never could get flash 32 to work for TiTS on PC for some reason, but no problems with the same file on mac