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Download links should be at the top of this Patreon post after opening it.

The links are here: 


Changelog: http://www.taintedspace.com/article/0-6-50-changelog



thanks man


As right now we can only be half gryvain, will there be gryvain pills or gryvain NPC's that we can loot?


hey boss trying to check if you got a mac version. but for some reason the sites not showing me as a supporter even though i am




can i have 1 month of your income... would be completely out of debt... would then swear fealty to you for life...

Fenoxo Fenfen

Flash should work on mac too. Also, make sure you're looking on this Patreon post, not the taintedspace.com site.


I cant play it on Chrome, why is that?


Do the backer release work on Android?


Not quite a big deal but still annoying, I pledged yet on the TiTS website it keeps saying i'm not a backer


I seem to have a problem being verified on taintedspace.com, when I click the play button on top after logging in it seems to keep telling me im still not a supporter... please help


so I seem to have encountered a bug, I am unable to save past day 25. I can save just fine all I want until day 25, then it just goes into this loop of no saving.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Absolutely bizarre, and not nearly enough information is included. First, please report this on the bug report forum, and including information like: the specific behavior when you try to save, if you've tried other browsers, if you're made sure your flash player has sufficient levels of local storage to handle TiTS saves, etc.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Thank you! Patreon doesn't have an easy way for me to verify users between Patreon and taintedspace.com, but it does have a way I can share the backer only builds with you over there. Check my Patreon page under the "Creator Posts" tab, and you should see downloads for the latest builds! (You may have to click on a post and fully open it to see the download link).

Fenoxo Fenfen

Thank you! Patreon doesn't have an easy way for me to verify users between Patreon and taintedspace.com, but it does have a way I can share the backer only builds with you over there. Check my Patreon page under the "Creator Posts" tab, and you should see downloads for the latest builds! (You may have to click on a post and fully open it to see the download link).