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Changelog: http://www.taintedspace.com/article/0-6-48-changelog



Love the new color~


so im having trouble locating the attachment for this build...


Patreon decided to hide attached files. You have to go to Fenoxo's page, then click on this post and you'll see it at the top.

Kharnos Strayder

So, unsure if this is the right place to ask, but have the Godi and Petr sex scenes been put in yet, cause I followed the directions on the wiki but have had no luck (Edit) nvm figured it out, seems the wiki lacked a step)


found it! wow never expected it to be title of the post....

Kharnos Strayder

They are the two boys at the resort on tarkus, I figured it out, seems you gotta choose the sex option when talking to Una and then choosing insist after following the prior steps on the wikito choose the scenes with the boys.


it's not working out for me. Any advice? Clicked the post and title but it just refreshes


It's says I'm don't have access, mentioning offbeatr