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We're updating the public patch, since the javascript port isn't ready to go yet. Downloads (including a small update to the image pack) can be found on the blog with the changelog.

Thank you for sticking it out with us, and we hope to have something demo worthy this month!




This is probably a super noob question, and i apologize, but is there a flash player app available that anyone knows of for androids? I would very much like to use the image packs but i dont have a computer 😕.


Flash is entirely phased out. At least I think it is for everything.


The lewd puppy play pic is so worth it 💖

Fenoxo Fenfen

The image pack build is pretty goddamn chunky. Not sure it would run well on a phone, even if there was a decent flash player. All signs point toward javascript doing better on mobile - and letting us embed images there.


Another alternative is downloading the "Flash Player projector content debugger" directly from Adobe. Download, run, drag 'n drop the .swf on it and voila~


I got elmedia player and it works immensely