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Changelog is over here: http://www.taintedspace.com/article/tainted-space-0-02-28-changelog



Hey, big fan. I recently(today) became a supporter($5) so i wouldn't have to wait as long to play the newest version of TiTS. I'm sure I just overlook something really obvious somewhere along the line, but I can't figure out where to go to actually do that. If you could spell it out for me that would be great. Maybe there's some sort of waiting period. If so could you let me know how long. Also sorry if this is the wrong place to put this message but I didn't want to contribute to your inbox being cluttered. Thanks and again, sorry.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Check out the blue page icon in the upper right corner. That's a download link to the latest .swf.


I was wondering, if we donate 40$ per month for the TF2 backer thing, does that mean every month you would TF2/Skype with us or only once?


I'm trying to use the new download, but any time I try to open the SWF file on my local system it acts like I clicked a download link rather than just running the game. It does this on both Firefox and IE. Conversely if I download the current public build over at your web site, it runs locally just fine.

Fenoxo Fenfen

That is unusual. I need to look into packaging an html opener for people in your situation.