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My deepest apologies that this PDF did not come last week, as it should have. I vastly underestimated the magnetic pull that Cyberpunk would exert on my psyche. 70 hours of playtime in a week is quite frankly unhealthy and a little nuts. You can read my review on the blog if that interests you, though I wager most of you aren't here for that.

This document contains the raw text for Pryden Salvager encounter that will be coming as part of an expanded tutorial dungeon for TiTS. It is still a work in progress and needs an edit pass as well as some work to properly align the combat states with the scene intros. Be gentle!

Thank you for your support. We're far from done!



VIS The Operative

I mean, the review would probably be helpful. I'm hearing left and right that it's just GTA IN THE FUTUUUUUURE!!! And I don't to believe for a goddamn second that that's all a game like this, thats had SO much hype in the past (They got Keanu 'fuck your ho' Reeves in on this.) would only amount to, "Ah SHIT! Here we go again...".


Maybe we get a sextoy shop called Need for Steed in the future XD


i like the name


It's a really good game, but the problem is the glitches and crash. that said that and the story is pretty damn good. though the endings and a lot more limited then I would have hoped still Like I said still best new RPG I played in lond time