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Don't mind me, just fixing tons of bugs!

Changelog:  https://www.fenoxo.com/backers-coc2-the-rift-widens/ 

An image pack update will come soon, after I'm finished chunking out daily (hopefully) bug fixes.

To gain access to backer builds, create an account on fenoxo.com, then open your "Profile" and click the button to link with Patreon. 

(If you have problems with password reset or verification, try highlighting the address and copy/pasting it into the address bar. Some email clients mangle the link.) 


Fenoxo Fenfen

Sorry if the link was broken in the email - I had changed the link name to include TiTS, then realized doing so might have broken CoC2's patreon links, so I reverted it... Oopsie doopsie!