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This is just a fix to clean up some of the more egregious bugs in the last patch. I'm tired as hell, and this is a public release, so you can grab the files off my blog's play page:http://www.fenoxo.com/?page_id=36



Fenoxo how can I; transfer my save file from my android phone to the kindle fire tablet?


Maybe try emailing the file to yourself?

Fenoxo Fenfen

I honestly don't know, but my gut instinct is that you'd need both devices to be rooted.


Log into your email, make a draft to your own email adress, include the file(tits.swf) in the draft, then press send, the email you sent/recieved. I have no idea if kindle tablets have email but if possible log onto the email from the tablet, and download the file (if kindle lets you do this), but getting it to work on kindle might be the biggest challange.


PS: I know next to nothing about androids and kindles, but if they allow email and uploading/downloading to email it should work.


-still waiting on vulpine/kitsune tfs- Don't get me wrong, still really enjoying this as a good game!


i have been completely unable to save my file for several editions now, it is a real pain. Any ideas or fixes?