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A new build for your enjoyment! Patch notes and such here: http://www.taintedspace.com/article/monday-sexbots



Now... I am a patron, but I can't find any download link...

Fenoxo Fenfen

Upper right corner. Looks like a blue page with a chain link in the middle of it.


Now heres a question, I just became a backer after playing TiTS on the browser and Now I go to download the newest patch and my saves are gone! Wot do Fenfen wot do!

Fenoxo Fenfen

You'd have to look up where flash stores saves and move them from the www.fenoxo.com or fenoxo.com folder to the localhost folder.


Wil you have a exe version soon? my computer cant read sfw files.


ran into a bug where i cant leave carls after i bought a shortsword


2.18 isnt seeming to want to work for me it wants me to download it then i do i go to open it it keeps asking me to download it again and again and again


So how do I get verified on the site as I am using Patreon?


Found my way so dont need help. Keep up the good work Fen!