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Highlights this release: Bizzy the kaithrit cam-girl and additional modular storage. Check the changelog for more details if you want 'em!

Changelog: https://www.fenoxo.com/backer-tits-busy-bizzy/

To gain access to backer builds, create an account on fenoxo.com, then open your "Profile" and click the button to link with Patreon.

(If you have problems with password reset or verification, try highlighting the address and copy/pasting it into the address bar. Some email clients mangle the link.)



I went onto the blog to donate to both your games. I am sure I being the stooped up sore headached moron I am scrolled through all your posts to try and find this site (not the other one which seemed to be in every update) and took me 4 previous pages to find it. I wholeheartedly know there is a much more simpler way and I did not find it. Sorry for the rant...ready for the facepalming simpler way explained if you want to do it. :P


go to Fenoxo.com look at the picture on the right off the page, it's an ad that changes randomly whenever you load the page, but it only shows 3 things. A link to the COC2 patreon, a link to the Tits patreon, and a link to the fenoxo merch store. just hit refresh till you see the one you want, takes like 5 seconds.


Haha I suspected it might have been that, but like any paranoid on the internet you go should or shouldn't I sometimes. Well the hard way worked, but hopefully my identical copy in a googolplex universe might read this and not replicate it. Thank you sir.


i mentioned that im unable to download v 283 all i get is 282 on general chat, hope letting you "Fen" know here might help

Fenoxo Fenfen

So 0.7.282 is the public patch - what you need to do is make a profile on the blog, then go into your profile settings and link it with your Patreon. After that, you should see a new heading on fenoxo.com when you're signed in "Backer Builds". 0.7.283 will be in there