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As if the image wasn't heads up enough, this one brings Korg'ii Hold's first proper male NPC. He's pretty dommy and a bit of dick, so tell him to Fuck Off if you'd rather not look at his smug face. Don't sweat it if he isn't your thing - more femmy stuff is on the way.

Changelog: https://www.fenoxo.com/backers-lund/ 

To gain access to backer builds, create an account on fenoxo.com, then open your "Profile" and click the button to link with Patreon.

(If you have problems with password reset or verification, try highlighting the address and copy/pasting it into the address bar. Some email clients mangle the link.)




Ah my account isn't linking ;-; Gonna keep trying I guess!


Um, I recently had to buy a new phone. And every time I download the latest APK file my phone says it had trouble opening it. I'm very bamboozled 😂 Any idea why? I have a razer phone.


More males is good!


Try opening it from a different filesystem app (ie not their downloads app). On my Razer phone I had a similar problem and I think that's how I solved it, but I'm not sure. I can't remember exactly how I fixed it but if I remember I'll let you know! I do know that the issue went away as spooky as that sounds.