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Changelog: https://www.fenoxo.com/backers-dryad-stuff/

To gain access to backer builds, create an account on fenoxo.com, then open your "Profile" and click the button to link with Patreon.

(If you have problems with password reset or verification, try highlighting the address and copy/pasting it into the address bar. Some email clients mangle the link.)




want try this game but its just bullshit to find how to download it or even play it.so enough for me..cant just make like all normal games is..link where to download and thats it..need make it so hard so you just have enough for looking how to play.


Its really not that difficult to find. Just follow the link to the website, make a profile, link the profile to your Patreon account, click "Backer Builds", download game. And after you've done that once you only have to log into Fen's website to download the game.

Daniel Hyena

Just go to his website, type his name in google, in the top below his banner there is the BACKER BUILDS link next to play ( click there if you're not a patron), download the latest build after that extract the win file and that should do it.


I can only download 7.109...seems like 7.111 isn't available?

Fenoxo Fenfen

Have you linked accounts and opened the "Backer Builds" heading? The play page is the public patch that only updates 1x per month.


yeh. I logged in. click on play and download." Edit: huh...for some weird reason my account got unlinked. thanks


Any chance for some bear transformatives in the future?


Hello all, so I am struggling with playing 0.7.114. I downloaded it but it says I need Shockwave Flash, but I can't seem to find a download link for it. Can anyone point me to the right direction?


Tried asking for help in the discord chat, got a sarcastic reply. Still can't download Adobe Shockwave and I do not know why.


Try using "Standalone Flash Player" and download the .swf file from the Donor page on the site. That's what I use.


May I ask for a link so I know exactly what I'm looking for?


I'm having a bug in my stats. I lvl up one of my stats lets say to lvl 10, but in the stat window it tells me i have 9. And its not caused by any debuffs i can find. I've tried loading an earlier save, only to have the same problem.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Probably modified by something else. Being pregnant or having a huge belly might be reducing your max reflex, for example. It'll return to 10 if appropriate.


The thing is it's not Reflex that's doing it, it's Intelligence and taking a closer look. I found that even in the beginning of the game when i reach lvl 2, while my stats say i have 2 Intelligence, but on the point allocation screen it says i already have 3. though maxing out the stat using Syri's slow intelligence gain seemed to have fixed it.


So how do I actually get the backers build to open? I open it in the browser and it stays at 0% loaded. I download it and it wont open in any browser.


Have I missed something. Has there been a new release?

Fenoxo Fenfen

Hey we're working on getting an .exe wrapper together you can just download and play. Sorry for any issues!

Fenoxo Fenfen

RIght now many browsers are depreciating flash which is causing some problems. We're working on getting our build pipeline updated to allow us to give you guys a normal .exe file you can run if you don't have a standalone flash player. Sorry for any inconvenience! I'll make a post about this in a moment.


Don't worry bout it, I'm pretty happy to know you guys are workin' on it. :)


Thanks, I was getting frustrated trying to get it to open.

