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Kastaka blinked and looked around. Suddenly the ropes were gone, the scary slaver woman was nowhere to be seen. A second later a familiar face showed with a smile. “Two weeks huh, you managed to last two whole weeks outside of my realm. Still sure you were ready to go?”

Kastaka nodded, “Yeah I was ready. What was with such a strong lady showing up out of nowhere? How did she even stop my spell anyway? I supercharged that sucker with over twenty thousand points of mana?”

Kuwi giggled, “She isn’t that strong, just well prepared. She warned you about that too. She had a little trap set up that would defuse any spell cast. How expensive the spell was didn’t matter.”

“What! How is that fair!”

Kuwi sighed, “Life isn’t fair and just because Solkira is a game world doesn’t mean everything is fair here either. Anyway, you asked me for help. I presume you remember our deal?”

Kastaka nodded, “... I remember.”

Kuwi pulled out a frilly pink dress. “Great! I’m looking forward to the next three months!”

Kastaka stood up and allowed Kuwi to dress her. She fully recalled their agreement. If she asked Kuwi for help for any reason, she would have to spend the next three months as her dress-up doll. Still, that was better than doing time as a debt slave. Especially seeing that there was a time difference between Kuwi’s domain and the real world. A fifteen-to-one ratio that meant one year in the real world was fifteen years here. So three months here was equal to about six days in the real world. It sucked that she would be losing a week. A week that those slavers could use to recapture those poor girls she had rescued, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

Thomas looked around the shop. She couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. Everywhere she looked were mannequins featuring young girls in various outfits. All of them quite cute, many of them frilly with bows and ribbons. Yet she did see a few other styles available. It really felt like a shop catering towards little girls, but there were some outfits an older girl might wear. She didn’t see a single pair or pants, or any boy’s clothing at all.

“Um Amy? Can we... um, try a different shop?”

Amy sighed, “We haven’t even spoken to the tailor yet.”

“Yeah, but look at the displays, they clearly specialize in young girls”

Kei interjected, “That doesn’t mean anything. A tailor is a tailor. These are merely display outfits meant to show off their skill.” she gestured at a dress on a mannequin that was a lovely replica of a fourteen-year-old girl. “Take a look at the workmanship. They put a lot of care into these frills. I’ve helped my mother with this kind of work before, it's not easy. Whoever did it was quite skilled.”

There was a slight rustle as a woman spoke, “You have a good eye. I’m particularly proud of that piece.”

They turned to see a young woman. If not for the tail, she would have looked perfectly human. In fact the long fluffy tail lazily wagging behind her like an excited puppy’s was her only visible non-human feature. Unlike most beastkin, she had quite visible human ears, which Thomas found odd. When the woman’s gaze landed on her, she couldn’t help but feel like prey before the wolf.

The woman smiled, “Now you four look cute, I know just the thing for each of you. I’m Carol by the way.”

Amy blinked, before pointing out Thomas, “Actually we are only here for my sister. We um... had some trouble and she needs a new wardrobe suitable for travel preferably. Some nice pants, a few durable shirts, and several sets of appropriate underwear. Oh yes, and she will need to be measured for a Fighter’s Bra. She is a swordswoman.”

Thomas bristled, “AMY! I DON’T NEED A BRA!”

“Yes you do! Sure your boobs aren’t that large, but you can’t leave them unsupported, that's a good way to get chafed boobs. Those aren’t any fun, trust me!”


Amy sighed, “Fine have it your way.”

She turned to the tailor, who was giggling, “Time for her first bra is it? Don’t worry I’ve dealt with this before. I know a good way to help her change her mind, but first, why don’t you four come on into the back and we can get started?

They were led into the back of the shop where bolts of cloth were neatly arranged. Several tables were neatly laid out with needles, cloth and string. There was even a writing table stocked with paper and writing tools. An open notebook on the table showed a design for a dress with a frilled hem, and a second set of frills right below the chest. A diamond pattern across the belly. The skirt of the dress had a split in the front and was drawn to leave the panties of the wearer permanently exposed. The dress had no arms and looked like it was meant to just hug the body.

Thomas frowned and Carol said, “I’m working on that for the guildmaster of the Adventurer’s guild. She wanted to surprise her daughter with a lovely new dress.”

Thomas gave her a look, “What is with the split in the front?”

“Well the guildmaster is a dark elf. They like their pussies on display if you know what I mean.”

Kei interjected, “Sounds about right. My mother had a dark elf customer once. They really don’t like it if so much as a string covers the pussy.” she paused and glanced at the open drawing. “So how are you planning to keep that split open, so that it does not accidentally cover the pussy?”

Carol smiled, and picked up a ribbon. “With ribbons, a few well-placed ribbons will not only keep it open but look cute as well.” She looked Kei over, “On a different note, care to help me out with it? You look to be about the same size. I’d need a couple of measurements to be sure.”

Kei squirmed, “I don’t know.”

“I can pay you for the trouble, in fact I will even throw in a free dress for all of you.”

Kei blinked, “You sure that would be...”

“No trouble at all for cute girls like you four, and this is a fairly big commission for me. So it would be a huge help.”

“I guess?” Kei looked to Amy who had that calculating look on her face.

Amy nodded, “I think we can help.”

Carol closed the door. “Splendid! If you four would strip, I can get started on those measurements.”


Carol gave her a look, “I can’t very well measure you in your clothes now can I? You can keep your panties, but everything else needs to go.” She then pointed toward some racks on the wall. “You can stow your clothes over there.”

Thomas looked and found Kei already there and half-dressed. Glancing back to Amy she found her with her top off and working her way out of the skirt she had worn today. None of them had dressed in their gear this morning. Thomas figured they did it to make her feel more comfortable and less out of place given that she was stuck wearing Amy’s clothing. Of course Amy didn’t always go around in her armor and she knew the same was true of their friends. Especially not while in town where they could relax. Although usually they waited until they got to town before shedding their armor.

Now because of that, the others were all nearly naked in a moment and Thomas found herself staring. She hadn’t expected this to happen. She was... no had been a guy just days ago. She still liked girls and they knew that. Yet here they were stripping down to their panties. Even her own sister. That last one was something to think about. She wasn’t sure how she felt about being in the same room as her practically naked sister.

“Why are you all just stripping?”

Kei shrugged, “It’s a perfectly reasonable request and to be frank Carol is right. It’s much easier to get accurate measurements without any extra clothing in the way. Naked is best, but underwear alone should be fine.”

Carol sighed, “Not comfortable being naked? I think I have something that will help.”

She disappeared into a side room she hadn’t noticed earlier. Coming back with something. “Here we are, this would help you relax.”

Thomas stared at the red-tinted liquid in a small bottle for a moment or two. Before Amy took it. She looked over the bottle, popped the cork, and then wafted it. She nodded, “Yeah that would do it.”

Amy promptly gave it to her and said, “It’s wine, a fairly potent one at that.”

Thomas gave it a look and frowned. She had never much been one for wine. Looking around, she shrugged. It certainly seemed like a good idea. Trusting her sister she drowned the small bottle. It burned a little going down and set off a pleasing heat in the belly. It took a few moments to take effect and it certainly took the edge out of the situation. Not all of it, but enough. She took a breath and after a moment she started to take off the dress her sister had put her in.

All too soon she was standing there only in her panties. Thomas wasn’t sure what she expected, but it didn’t feel all that different. Next thing she knew, she was standing in the middle of the room while Carol used her measuring tools. Writing down numbers in her notebook. In fact she took a few more measurements than she would have expected. Measuring her boobs a dozen different ways. Exacting measurements of her arm, her belly, her thighs. Every part of her was thoroughly measured and a quick sketch of her was drawn for reference with the numbers marked.

Nearby Kei commented, “My mother would approve of your system, she liked very thorough measurements as well.”

Carol chuckled, “Well sounds like we might get along. Care to introduce me?”

Kei, “Sure if you don’t mind crossing the border.”

“Maybe. I’ve been thinking of looking for a new town recently. Things are fine here, but... I feel my skills have plateaued. I need something... more challenging.”

Kei nodded, “I think I know what you mean. Mom’s finding it harder to advance her skills lately as well. The most challenging jobs often come from adventurers with interesting materials, but...”

“Unless you live on top of a dungeon that doesn’t happen that often.”

Kei smiled, “it doesn’t. Speaking of dungeons, we found one recently. Even reported it to the guild.”

Carol blinked, “Sounds interesting. Might be worth considering. I’ll inquire at the guild later. Anyway, I’m done here. So why don’t you step up so I can measure you.”

Kei nodded and Thomas stepped away. Happy to be free from the measuring session. Finding a chair, she slumped into it and watched as Kei was subjected to the same measurements she had been. Yet Kei seemed oddly at home being so accurately measured.

After a bit Carol said, “I knew it, you are almost exactly the same size.”

With a smile, she rushed off and came back with the dark elf dress they had seen in the drawing. It was mostly done, missing a few embellishments like the diamond pattern, and the ribbons. “Okay put this on for me and take your panties off. It’s not meant to be worn with panties.”

Kei turned red for a moment and then glanced at Thomas. For a moment or two she stood there before reaching down to pull her panties off. The simple plain blue panties she was wearing slipped down her slim thighs revealing a pale hairless slit to the air. One Thomas had a good view of.

Carol then helped her put on the dress and she twirled in front of her for a moment. The two started talking and Carol pulled out her needles. Thomas watched as the dress was adjusted and ribbons attached. The pattern etched into the fabric and more. In a surprisingly short period of time the outfit was looking done and Kei was relating how it felt as she moved around the room.

Carol smiled, “Good if you are finding it comfortable, it should be good for the client as well. Thanks for the help.” She turned to the other two. “Let’s get you two measured and then we can talk about your outfits.”

The other two nodded and Carol took their measurements the same as she had done her and Kei. She was very thorough but surprisingly quick about it. Far too quickly they were gathered around the writing table. Most everyone had found seats from the chairs in the room and were discussing outfits.

“So who’s outfits should we discuss first?”

“I was thinking we would start with Tammy, my sister.” Thomas gave Amy a look, but it was ignored as Amy continued, “As I mentioned earlier we need a wardrobe for her. Durable easy-to-move-in stuff, namely pants and shirts.”

“Ah yes I recall. It’s also time for her first bra. I can get that done easily enough. Cute and functional right?”

Thomas turned red, “I don’t need a bra!”

Everyone exclaimed, “Yes you do!”

“No bra!!”

Carol giggled, “Sure, sure. Now are you sure you just want pants and shirts?”

Amy smiled, “Well I was thinking of getting her a dress as well for those occasions where pants and shirts wouldn’t be... appropriate.”

Carol smiled, “I can do that. I know a few styles she would look good in. Would you like me to design one with a built-in bra or would you prefer one she could pair with a cute bra?”

Thomas turned even more red. “Stop it with the bra thing! I said I don’t need one!”

Carol sighed, “If you won’t trust your sister dear, then try to trust me. You will need one. Well unless you plan to run around naked. Might make you extra popular with the boys.”

Thomas stood up in a huff, rushing off towards the racks, “I need a break from all this.”

Then she frowned, “Where is the dress I was wearing?”

Carol came over and handed her something. It was cute and childish. “You can wear this. It’s something I made for a model about your size. I’ve adjusted it already to fit you a little better. As for the dress...”

Amy interjected, “I put it away. It’s mine anyway.”

Thomas gave her a glare, huffed and then slipped into the outfit the tailor gave her. Before rushing out of the room. Behind her she heard Carol call, “Might I suggest the garden across the road? It can be quite relaxing.”

After Thomas left the room. Amy turned to Carol and sighed, “You sure this will help?”

“It should. Especially if she goes to the garden. I’ll get some ointment ready. She will likely need it, since that dress is not meant for any kind of activity without a bra.”

Amy sighed, “I just hope I’m not pushing too hard. I don’t want to ruin our relationship.”

Carol rubbed her head, “It will be fine. Now in the meantime, we can get a few sketches done on some cute outfits for her?”

Amy nodded, “Guess we should.”