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Amy shifted her stance as she nocked an arrow. They had been on the road for several days now. Bringing them into the Borderlands and a fair distance from any settlement of note. Roads this far out were not as well-patrolled as those elsewhere, so perhaps it wasn’t that surprising that monster sightings were more likely out here. As such, she and the other adventurers were more on guard for a possible monster attack. Already her party was investigating one possible threat.

Ahead of her the grass rustled and her eyes locked onto it instantly. She signaled Kei to slowly advance on the rustling grass. As the scout, she was the one best equipped to check it out. As that was happening, her fellow party members slipped into the formation they had worked out. Mara up front, with Thomas and Eri a half step behind her.  Thomas took his position to Eri's left in the formation Amy had created that she felt would best utilize their abilities.

The grass continued to rustle. Kei slipped in from above and with a flash tossed a stone into the grass. An instant later, a rabbit burst out of the grass in fright. Before it could make it more than a hop, an arrow sprouted from its neck. Amy relaxed and looked over the critter. It lacked a horn and from the look of its form, the poor thing was just a simple rabbit. Well, at least they had dinner. If they could find a few more, they would be able to feed everyone.

She sighed, “I guess we have dinner.”

“I don’t know, this one looks a little scrawny.”

Amy shook her head, “I’m sure we can find a few more in time for dinner.”

As she said that Kei had been checking the grass, “Seems to be a burrow here, the start of one anyway.”

Amy moved over and noted the clear signs of fresh digging. “It looks like our dinner was making a nest.”

“There should definitely be more in the area.”

Amy nodded, “We can always keep an eye out for more, while we are monitoring for threats. The roads are poorly patrolled this far from civilization, meaning we are more likely to encounter a monster than a harmless rabbit. We should treat every rustling underbrush with caution.”

Kei interjected, “I’ve never been out this far, how common are monster sightings?”

“Fairly common I’m afraid. Near the towns the guilds and local lords pay to maintain patrols, but out here? Maintaining adequate patrols is more difficult, so we have to keep our guards up.”

Eri licked her lips, “But! It also means we are more likely to find Flare Boars out here, big juicy ones” she drooled a little, “I can’t wait to eat Flare Boar again!”

Amy giggled, “Just you wait, we will find another one soon enough.”

Suddenly there was a shout from the other side of the caravan. Followed by a familiar ruckus. Amy let out a breath. It seems trouble had found their caravan.

They rushed over to the source of the disturbance to discover that while they were hunting a rabbit the Caravan had been attacked. Already a cart had been overturned and a few adventurers were locked in combat with a single monster of rather large stature. It appeared to be insectoid in appearance. It's body protected by a thick armored carapace, equipped with powerful claws and a deadly bite. Made even more potent by a long tail, ending in a vicious bladed stinger that delivered a particularly virulent venom. It had six powerful legs protected by plates of carapace that hid the powerful muscles beneath. The entire creature was an armored juggernaut of pure muscle and raw fury. Amy recognized the creature. It was an evolved monster, not one the usual encounters of the area, either.

She used Inspect the moment she saw the creature. Even if she didn’t need it to know what it was. What Amy did want to know was how strong this one was. They could grow to be fairly powerful as they often lived in small groups that supported one another. Amy was thankful this one seemed alone. Perhaps is was one of the more loner offshoots of the species?”

Name: None

Gender: Male

Race: Brutal Armalisk

Level: 40

Age: 13

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Mystic Juggernaut

Shields: 20,213/22,000


Mana: 15,708/16,000

Titles: Area Boss

Amy cursed under her breath at what she saw. This was not going to be easy. Why couldn’t it have been something easier to fight like a goblin or a kobold? She would even take a pack of Thornback Wolves over a single Armalisk! It just made it worse this one was an Area Boss.   She had to curse their bad fortune. Amy had never fought one herself, but she knew they could be very intimidating creatures to fight.

She nocked her arrow and ordered her party into formation. Normally Amy would have just run from a level 40 monster, especially one so strong. But there were enough adventurers here to help. In fact she even noted a few of the regular Caravan guards getting into formation to fight the creature. Already someone had stepped up to take charge, and organize their forces for the battle.

The Armalisk swiped its claws as a young man jumped out of the way and rolled to avoid the powerful blow. Taking a hit would not be wise, the creature in question was a natural siege engine. It was known to shatter town walls with little difficulty. A fact made quite apparent a moment later, as the creature continued to hurtle  into a massive tree by the side of the road. . Only for it to shatter, sending shards of living wood in every direction. Spraying anyone unfortunate enough to be close by with deadly wooden shrapnel.

Several large fragments speared the poor man who had dodged the creature’s claws just a moment before. She winced at the sight, and then cringed when she noted one of them had pierced his armor right between the legs. The loud scream that issued from his mouth rang with pain. He was a very unlucky man, hopefully someone in the caravan was a healer. She didn’t focus on the thought, however, and instead channeled magic into her arrow.

A streak of fire shot across the distance. Where it promptly slammed itself into a glowing barrier. Blue light flared up at the point of impact and consumed her flaming arrow. Before the light could even fade, a second streak slammed into the barrier. She knew her arrows weren’t going to have much effect while its shields were up, but the only way to bring them down was to bombard them.

As her third arrow flew from her bow, the creature looked her way. Amy felt a shudder ripple down her spine as the monster’s eyes flashed pink and a notification flashed in the corner of her vision. She ignored it, but Amy could not help but feel that the Armalisk had tried something.

Her third arrow  flew wide as the creature dodged with a fluid grace that belied its massive stature. It lunged with it's maw gaping open  to strike at a female adventurer. Her sword flashed up into a guard. Only to shatter an instant later as its jaw crushed her weapon. Leaving her standing there holding the remnants of her blade. As Amy drew another arrow, she watched the poor girl up front merely staring at her broken blade, disbelief clear in her eyes.

The girl didn’t even react as the Armalisk’s claws flashed, shredding her armor apart. A fact she had no time to process before its tail stinger sliced across her suddenly naked breasts. Drawing a thin line of red blood.

Amy let loose her next arrow, this time a piercing shot imbued with lightning. Her last arrows had given her a feel for its shields. As for the girl, Amy figured she was fine, merely dosed with the creature's venom.

A flash of light flared up as her arrow slammed into the Armalisk’s shield. Sparks flew and the shaft planted itself into an armored joint. A shriek filled the air that almost masked a shout of agression from a man with a hero complex, as he foolishly charged the monster.

Amy cursed as she realized it was Thomas, sword drawn, charging the creature. Worse, she wasn’t the only one to notice his reckless charge, as the Armalisk shifted in response. Its claws flashed. Thomas barely avoided being cleaved in two and stabbed forward with his blade.

Shields flared as his sword was harmlessly deflected. Moments before he was body slammed by the heavy beast. It roared and with a swipe of its tail knocked him into the air. It then whacked him again with its tail. Sending him flying in her direction. Amy cursed again and dodged the flying projectile. Her brother landed in a heap where she had been standing a moment before. His groaning told her he was very much still alive. Amy mentally noted that she would have to give her idiot brother another lecture. After he was patched up, of course. It seemed they would already be using their potions. In the corner of her eye, she noted Mara was already kneeling down to check his wounds.

Amy didn’t bother and sent another piercing arrow down range. Sparks flew and a second arrow sprouted from the armored hide. A roar echoed, as a party charged in, weapons drawn. Steel flashed in the sunlight as they attacked. Scoring several hits as the creature shook off the effects of her last arrow. Unfortunately she had only stunned it for a second or two, as it burst into motion. Claws flashed and jaws snapped forward. A poor man was shredded as its claws turned him into a pile of minced meat. Beside him, a girl was knocked off her feet, her armor split open moments before its tail sliced her skin.

Amy noted that it was doing that on purpose, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to know why. In fact it was perhaps best not to know why it was doing that. She let loose yet another arrow. It landed just as its claws were cleaving through another unfortunate man, his left leg was already flying. The creature roared and jerked. She winced as she saw where its claws went. Amy thought to herself that it would be a good idea to not mention to him that it was her arrow that caused his jewels to get sliced.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning that careened down on the creature. It roared, as sparks flew. A new group charged in, as it twitched from the surge. Steel glinted and flashed in the light. Yet its armor seemed to hold up under the punishment being inflicted. By the gods! How fucking tough was this thing?

The creature shook off the effects of that spell and it went back into motion. Just as an arrow sprouted from its armored head. The creature roared as it looked right at her. Again its eyes flashed pink. A shudder rippled down her spine and the creature charged. Its claws flashing, to strike anyone in its path. Limbs flew and a poor man’s head went flying, his body trampled beneath the armored creature.

Thomas was still groaning in a pile, but he sounded better. Mara must have given him a potion, as she had returned to formation. Mara positioned herself in front to act as a tank. Amy wasn’t so sure she would be able to stop a charging Armalisk and reached to draw another arrow. At first her fingers brushed empty air. She hadn’t thought she had used all her arrows and a moment later she was confirmed right as she found another one in the quiver. An arrow she quickly nocked and let loose. It sailed through the air, and pierced the creature’s eye.

It roared with fury, the arrow doing nothing to stop its wild charge. A moment later, a hail of lightning bombarded the creature. Each strike caused it to let loose a terrible shriek that grated on the ears.

As the lightning cleared, she was greeted to its smoking form. For a moment she thought it was dead, but the creature surprised her and kept moving. Slamming into Mara, who miraculously stopped it in its tracks. Her muscles were clearly straining as her blade blocked the creature’s lethal claws.

Amy drew another arrow, her last judging by the feel of her quiver. Nocking it to her bow, she knew this would be her last shot, but maybe it would be enough. The creature was clearly on its last legs, thanks to that mage. Although Amy wasn’t sure who was casting the spells.

There was a flash and suddenly the creature howled in pain. It turned, swiping its tail viciously, only to meet air, as Kei rolled out of the way. Her knife was bloody, and in her hand a bit of flesh. A vicious smile on her face.

Mara took advantage of the moment to slice into the creature. As Eri jumped onto its armored carapace, claws flashing. Amy let loose and her last arrow lodged itself in a joint. The creature roared again. Moments before several spikes punched into its armor from nowhere. The creature made one last roar before collapsing.

Amy let out a breath and felt relief, as she glanced at her latest notification.


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