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Standing pose image of Red.

When I first created Red and Blue, I didn't anticipate drawing them continuously as characters, so it was surprisingly haphazard in some ways, but I thought it would be better to create a guideline for their body shapes and faces.

All of the heroes are muscular, but Red is somewhat stocky and heavy looking with moderate amounts of fat.

He has a thicker, more bony waist than the others, and his abs and pecs are also whipped up. I think Red is the one that feels good when you hug him.

His dick is around 19cm in normal time, which in this world is okay and large. It's about the same size as Black's, but Black's is darker and more slutty and Red's I think it's more sensitive... sort of.

I'll be adding more about the other heroes as I go along!

However, I'll probably make a continuation of the PE teacher series this month. I hope you'll enjoy both.




Can't wait for more with the PE teacher!! Also love Red!!!


I really want to hug red firmly to sense his warmth and smell his scent.😍


The heroes are my favorite theme, and Red is my favorite hero!


He is my favorite among your hereos :)