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For those who don't follow my Twitter, this month's stage of the larger, ongoing project of hamster instrumentality is finally burying Hambunker. I rolled up my sleeves and got digging. But when I finished the hole I thought hard about finalizing the design since once I bury that thing, it'd be a bitch to dig it up and make modifications.

I ran a poll on Twitter and over 80% said I should add one more floor. It may surprise you to learn that due to the lighting, cables and camera, each floor of Hambunker costs about $100. But I felt it was the right decision since it will make for a neater Twitch layout anyway, with the screen divided into 4 equally sized quadrants instead of two small feeds and one huge one.

It also didn't feel grand/epic enough to have just two subterranean levels. How much of a bunker is that, really? Three seems more worth the fanfare, and more worth all the sweat from digging that hole. I'll now need to dig a further foot or so but I have all the proper tools now and a proven methodology so that shouldn't take long.

This does mean however that I may not have this month's video ready by the first of July, as planned. I budgeted time and money assuming Hambunker would have only two subterranean floors. I promise it'll be worth it once I'm finally finished, and now that I've got my ass in gear you don't have much longer to wait.



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