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I am doing mostly well, but am in the process of finding out what causes my hyperextending joints. So sometimes a muscle will cramp so badly it hurts it's self.

That has happening in my lower ribcage/stomach area. So I might not be posting for a couple weeks. I am getting a brace, so that should help and if I can draw, I will. But brace does not automatically mean I can go back to normal activity. It takes at least two weeks to heal/work out the bunched up muscle with Stretches and physical therapy.  

I still have the goal of finishing at least the first 3 chapters of my Furry comic by Sep 1st. I am a bit behind at the moment. But if I do not heal myself up, I would be causing more issues for the long run. So maybe a few weeks, maybe not. We shall see how things go. 


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