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I'm not sure what it's going to be yet. But tomorrow is going to be a long day of comic work. I am getting my need to sketch out tonight.

It's been a weird last few weeks. My friend's step-father passed away, and I have been spending time with her a lot. I don't have the best health, so it has also been rather draining
I am getting back to the schedule of posting a page every Friday. Tomorrow, I will most likely post more than one as I has been lightly working on them over the last 3 weeks.




Take your time, sorry to hear about your friend


I am hoping your friend will get better. Stay strong for her. I'm certain she will greatly appreciate it


She's being strong for her mom. So that is at least giving her something to focus on. But she comes over at least one day a week just to hangout and not have anyone expect anything of her.