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It's here after 4 months in the making, 5 betas, and a whole bunch of testing to make sure TONS of new behaviors, activities, and items work properly.

As always, download the 4 parts below and open with Winzip or 7Zip to extract the complete game.

 I will be on high alert for potential disastrous bugs. Please notify me on Discord or here if you need help with anything.

+Fixed horses (controls and flying)

+Fixed mortar pushing loli

+Fixed lantern, jar, knife holding

+Fixed glowing terrain at night

+Fixed glitchy headpats

+Fixed loli being stuck if pushed off bed

+Improved item pickup detection when items occlude others

+Far more robust ingredient pouring collision handling

+Fixed buggy VR loading after a Save and Quit

+Improved grabbing onto static objects (doorknobs etc.)

+Loli now ignores new items for 7 seconds after following player

+Loli can now get on horse while tired

+Loli will no longer put important cooking items into bag

+Loli will no longer always go and pickup bags

+Fixed broken start in previous build. Hehe. Sorry.

This should be the last hotfix for stability.

+Fixed water not filling up pot

+Fixed gestures running all the time

+Fixed bag not visually updating inventory

+Added indicator when storing items in the bag

+Fixed VR Teleportation controls not working

+Fixed hands being frozen in mid air in keyboard mode

+Improved hand physics parameters (should be less glitchy now)

+Fixed water pot not being able to be picked up

+Added a "RESPAWN LOLI" button in the pause menu in case anything strange happens

+Improved headpat parameters for a smoother headpat

+Fixed water pot being held by loli

+Added horse control hints

+Added cooking hints

+Added world map in pause menu

+Added KB mode animations to pour flour from mortar to mixing bowl 

+Fixed game saving for people playing this game in European countries
(yes really)

+Fixed Horse glitch causing loli to become stuck when using the "come here" gesture

+Disabled giving the loli the horse rein

+Fixed hands disappearing on load save file

+Nerfed recipe to 3 flour and 4 eggs

+Gave more default ingredients to play with at the beginning 





How do you get the bags? At first she just had them while going outside, but after relaunching the game, they're gone, and i can't find them.


What are the controls for horse riding ( on Oculus Rift Touch) Once i get on, the horse doesn't move the direction i want it to, and i can't figure out the buttons.


Amazing work as always!


Nice work, that's so good! I want to report a bug, if you click in one of loli's hands several times, she'll teleport to a specific direction. (sorry, my english is not too good)


Oii poderia me ajudar ? quando eu aperto no link unico de download de arquivo (onde vai pro download ) aparece um erro que ta escrito assim There was an error with your request e eu nao consigo abaixar essa versao por favor me ajudem


When I download half of it, I fail. What can I do? Tried again several times. Still can't


Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I come from China, our network may be different [my English is not very good], can you divide 0.7.8 into 2 packets like 0.6.3, thank you if you can


Why can't I download it? No, it's slow


Where is her?


Hello, how are you? My game, starting with version 0.5.3, is not showing up as loli, she appears all twisted and the only thing that appears is her skirt, my computer is kind of old, but I wanted you to solve this for me and for others people, and could you put a selection of languages ​​in the game menu? Appreciate.


Your computer is too old inthe hardware side. There's nothing I can do. Language selection is planned for later.


Why can't my computer download?


If you can, the author can directly put the download link in the back as before, because the compressed package can't be downloaded this time, my network is useless!


It's on itch.io. It's a single file download link: https://shinobuproject.itch.io/game


But I can't download this file through "itch IO". What should I do at this time?


Excuse me, can you provide another download method? It seems that most users can't download this link.


Click on the download link in itch.io again and look to the right "Downloads not starting". Click that.


I've tried your method. This time it's a little better. The download speed is still very slow. Let's see if it's OK in one night.


Why ca n’t I do the task of washing her long hair? Is there something wrong with my operation? This can only pull her hair one by one


I installed it, and went in, but when I add the loli it doesn't appear, what do I do?


You might have an outdated computer. There isn't much I can do. Does the loli appear invisible except for her skirt? Yeah that would be a symptom.