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gardevoir fainted....?

lopunny was suggested on the sketch poll, she didnt win or anythin but i figured it bed fun to draw her for the 'weirdly humanoid/sexy pokemon' team.... was workin on a larger pic but doodled this to have somethin up for ya all, gonna try and post the midnight alts as well tomorrow




Daaaamn, that's a rare find: a wild Lopunny with the Thicc Fat ability.


This series is always amusing, doesn't matter if it's supposed to be 'horny', I just think it's fun! That poor Gardevoir needs hugs and reassurance that she's still loved though.


Your lopunny gal is lovely ^-^


Well, I hope this Lopunny has a sense of humor... because this way, we can call her... LoPUNSnny ! (lol) More seriously, thank you for your generosity Lewdlemage: It was very nice from you to create a drawing for this character, even if she didn't win the vote pool. This sketch is a real pleasure for the eyes ^^ (Note : men of culture call this situation "The Marshmallow hell"). I hope you will continue the adventures of this Pokemon trainer, his Gardevoir, and the other weirdly sexy members of his team ;)


Suffocation move!