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*bright spotlights and the sound of an engine rouse you from slumber, i'm standing outside your house, blood dripping from a cut in my forehead* The first round results are in... The finalists are... YAMATO! The Oni Princess! ANDROID 18! A familiar face on the polls, she finally snatches a podium position, can she finally cinch out an animation spot!? And last but not least, another underdog to the animation polls..... SHE-HULK!

The top 2 characters from this round will receive ANIMATIONS! Comment below if you'd like to split your votes amongst multiple choices!

And remember that any $10+ tiers that didn't suggest a character have an extra vote, that's 3 votes total for BIG FISHES and 4 for FEAR LIZARDS! This includes any BIG FISH who suggested a character but didn't make it into the poll!

Poll ends tomorrow at 9pm EST!



All vote’s to 18


18 for me ^_^

Sum Gie

The shulk!


All my votes on Yamato please !

Justin Payne

My vote goes for the She Hulk! I would love to see her pregnant! 🤰💚💚💚💚💚


Yamato in an "oblivious Pregnancy" scenario would be fantastic, claiming "Fool! A Man can't get pregnant!" as she's overdue with twins, and trying to wave away contractions before her water breaks.

Sexy preggolover

I think android 18 should win she’s the best


This is a toss up for me. I’d like to place my extra vote on either Yamato or She-Hulk, but I can’t decide. Sigh… I’d like to see all three of them pregnant 🤰, but I know that’s not going to happen. Oh well… put me down for an extra vote on She Hulk. Thanks!


Definitely thinking that Yamato could vore adult Momo…