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*hands you a sandwich* ...What? Ohh, no, we don't do April Fools here. It's April 'Fulls', so go on and get started. *hands you several more sandwiches*

Greetings once again folks... After braving the cold winter, it's a bright and sunny day in April... Like  I mentioned before, I'm currently just finishing up the Shion animation, and that'll go up later today! 

Otherwise, this first week I'll be keeping it focused! First, I'll finish up that Marin Kitagawa pic, and then I'll use the time to finally finish up putting the audio on the Samus animation. There may be some sketchies in between those, but that's the main plan the first week!

I will say now, not this month, but probably the following month (May) I think I'll probably either do a sketch-only month or just animate something without doing the polls! Just to catch up on stuff/have a little break, the page won't be paused or anything like that but just to lessen the workload and focus on other stuff (comics etc). I'll talk more about that as we get closer to May!

But yeah! That's the plan at the moment, the submissions post for April's poll will go up in just a sec!  Hope you all survive the Day of the Fool unscathed out there, hold your Lewdlemage(tm) Sandwich I gave you close to your chest... And thank you again for sticking around for another month of fun! See you all again soon... *lies down on a piece of bread and covers myself with another slice of bread*



I just wish to say that your intros and outros for these announcemments are always hilarious.


Always down for more sketch months


April "Fulls" ha! I get it


Watch the punchline for the intro be that the samdwiches are McPreggos. 🤡